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  • louisewhite0102

Baby Number 2!

This Mum was determined it would be different this time round...and it was!

I was so excited to have chats with Sian about hypnobirthing, knowing what had happened the first time and how it feels like second pregnancies go so quickly, it was so great to go through the course with her. Evening sessions at Sians house meant we could explore the course, pulling out all the bits that were really relevant for Sian and making sure we had time to properly prepare, plus for me it felt like an evening out!

Here is Sian's story

I had taken a brief hypnobirthing class within the Belford with a lady called Carol (more on her later) during my first pregnancy but it always felt quite clinical.

During my first labour, I allowed fear to take over and hypnobirthing was well and truly pushed (mind the pun) to the back of my mind. I was in Raigmore and I was pumped with diamorphine quite early on and was unable to move around. I had the Gas and Air permanently attached for the 9 hours I was in labour. I pushed for 2 hours and eventually had to have a ventouse as I had become tired.

I felt very out of it and couldn’t confidently tell you what happened in the delivery room. I was left with slight PTSD.

I was adamant that if I were to fall pregnant again, this would not be the case.

Fast forward 17 months and as I looked at those two pink lines, I knew there and then that I wanted to try hypnobirthing again! I also wanted a local birth, in the birthing pool!

I’d been incredibly lucky to have made friends with Louise at our local playgroup and having spoken about my previous experience, we were both agreed that we would make it work this time round!

Again, I’d been incredibly lucky to have face to face sessions with Louise in my own home, which instantly put me at ease. Although there were a few times we couldn’t help but chuckle as the washing machine was on spin during ‘Sea of Serenity’.

I grew more and more confident with each session and from week 34 I was practising my “In for 4, Out for 8” breaths at every opportunity. I would practise in the bath, with my MP3’s playing and really trying to manifest my “Perfect Birth”.

At 39+1 the day arrived. I woke up urgently needing the toilet at 5.30am. The pain felt different and I used the ‘Freya’ app to count my surges. About 1/2hr later, I needed the toilet again and my surges stayed at a steady 3-4 mins. I phoned the Belford at 6.30am to let them know I was on my way.

Unfortunately, as it was a Sunday, we were too early for a wee ferry crossing so had to drive an extra 30 miles (20 of single track) to get there. I had approx. 8 surges and breathed through each one in the passenger seat of our pick up. “In for 4, out for 8”.

When we arrived at 8am we were greeted by Gail, who informed me the pool was filling. She did a brief assessment and by 8.30am I was in established labour at 3cm. I was left alone (with my husband) to labour in one of the consulting rooms. I was offered tea and toast but only managed ½ a slice through my surges. I was able to walk around, lean on the bed and use the back of a chair to help move labour along. Around 9am, they brought the ball in and I used this leaning on the bed.

Around 9.15am I felt the need to pee. I had a surge whilst leaving the toilet and was met by Carol at the door. A very welcome face!

She helped me walk back to the room and by the time we crossed the threshold, I had begun to feel “Pushy” with my surges and had begun to make a ‘lowing’ noise. Carol held my hand and rubbed my back with each surge, reminding me to breath.

Gail arrived to say she had heard me from her office and that the pool was ready if I wanted to make my way through. As I entered the birthing room, I remember thinking how calm it was. The pool was filling up, the radio was playing and they had fairy lights on above the window. Although I knew it was a clinical room, it felt anything but in that moment.

By 9.40am, I was having strong surges and had begun to enter the pool. Only then did I have my first drop of Gas & Air. Having known how I was last time, Carol talked me through each surge and held onto the Gas & Air, taking it away from me when I needed to push. My waters broke in the pool as my baby’s head emerged. 5 pushes and he was out! He was born at 10.08am. 1hr 55 mins from established labour.

I did end up having a haemorrhage and was blue lighted to Raigmore for the night, However I have said over and over that I would do that birth everyday of the week.

Thanks to Louise’s kindness, knowledge and understanding of all types of birth, she allowed me the confidence to take full control of my birth and to be fully aware of all my surroundings.

I am immensely honoured to be one of her births! Thank you, Louise!

Honestly - it is such a privilege to be able to share some of this knowledge with expectant mothers. If you want to have an initial chat then I would love for you to get in touch.

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