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  • louisewhite0102

A Sheffield baby

A birth story all the way from Sheffield! I love that I can support new mums, friends and family all over the country. A lot of my teaching is online at times that suit the parents to be. This time I was lucky enough to work with Matt and Katie ( and this summer I even managed some Baby Ru cuddles which was lovely!)

This is a story of how hypnobirthing helps even when plans change massively! If you are focusing on your ideal plan for birth then save this blog for later...but if you want to see how hypnobirthing can help in all births then read on!

All our plans went out the window when some growth scans came back showing that our baby was measuring on the small side and due to reduced fetal movements, early induction at 39 weeks was recommended.

Whilst this wasn’t the plan, I knew that I wanted what was best for my baby.

I was in hospital for 2 and a half days before Ru arrived and I found all the noises and the comings and goings quite stressful, along with the fact that I was still experiencing reduced movements. I was on my own with Matt only being allowed in for visiting times. The hypnobirthing tracks came in really useful as I listened them to focus myself on my journey rather than what was going on around me.

Fast forward those 2 days and having called my husband to tell him I was been taken down to the labour ward, I carried on using some of the breathing techniques as the midwives carried on monitoring me and my baby. Our baby really wasn’t coping well with the induction process and every time I had contractions, his heart rate was dropping massively. It wasn’t really a surprise when we were told that he needed to come out and come out now.

The whole time I remained calm and I totally attribute this to the hypnobirthing techniques we had learned. I didn’t have any pain relief until I had the spinal right before the c-section, just focusing on my breathing had got me through. We went through to surgery and were allowed to play some of the music we had chosen and so whilst it was all very clinical and urgent, we at least had some calm with us. After what felt like not long at all, we were shown our baby boy before he was taken off to be quickly checked over. My husband got to spend some time with him whilst I was stitched up and then I finally got to meet him before we were whisked out of the theatre and into the recovery room.

It all feels like such a whirlwind and plans changed and then changed again, but the hypnobirthing techniques we had learned definitely came in handy keeping me calm and focused throughout what could have been quite a stressful time!

If you want to be prepared for whatever direction your birth takes book a course today!

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